Cumbria Police – Mounted Volunteers

In October we expanded our Mounted Volunteer reach down into South Lakes thanks to funding from Cumbria Neighbourhood Watch. These latest recruits join our team which currently includes our Eden Mounted Volunteers who have completed a total of 239 hours so far this year. Our Mounted Volunteers patrol chunks of the rural countryside they are…

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Operation Dark Nights – Warwickshire Police

Warwickshire HorseWatch and Warwickshire Rural Crime Team promoted ‘Operation Dark Nights’. This is a national initiative to promote awareness of vulnerable road users, which includes horse riders and carriage drivers. In support of The British Horse Society ‘Dead Slow’ campaign it includes raising the awareness of passing horses safely on the road by giving a…

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Horse Trailer, Tack and Equipment Stolen in Priors Hardwick, Warwickshire.

Sometime between 21.00hrs on 21/09/24 and 11.00hrs on 22/09/24 unknown offender/s have stolen an Ifor Williams HBX506 trailer containing equipment including, saddles, bridles riding hats and a pram, plus also taken from a field shed were lawn mowers, chainsaw, hedge trimmers and 6 x push bikes. If you saw anyone acting suspiciously in the area…

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Raising Awareness of Passing Horses and Riders Safely on the Road

The British Horse Society and Thames Valley Mounted Section worked together to raise awareness of the ‘Dead Slow’ campaign, passing wide and slow (2 metres and no more than 10mph). For more details of the campaign visit: Our safety work | The British Horse Society (

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World Horse Welfare Webinairs

World Horse Welfare‘s popular Welfare Wednesday Webinars resume in Autumn. There are 58 webinars to choose from, bringing you free, expert advice on a range of horse health, behaviour and management topics drawn together by experts to share accessible, practical advice and guidance for everyone. You can catch up on previous recordings by clicking on…

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British Horse Society Access & Safety Conference

The BHS Access & Safety Conference is scheduled for Saturday 16 November 2024, 10am-4pm. Presented by the BHS Access and Safety Teams, featuring keynote speakers, the day will explore how working together horse riders can access more safely. For more details see the BHS website:

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Horse Trailer Recovered by Surrey Police

Following a horse box being stolen overnight on the 19th July from Surrey, officers began following up on information that they had obtained, resulting in them locating and recovering it for the owners. This excellent result was assisted with the horsebox having a tracker, that stopped pinging after a while but gave officers some information…

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