Horse Trailer Recovered by Surrey Police

Following a horse box being stolen overnight on the 19th July from Surrey, officers began following up on information that they had obtained, resulting in them locating and recovering it for the owners.

This excellent result was assisted with the horsebox having a tracker, that stopped pinging after a while but gave officers some information to start doing work on locating the vehicle.

Investigation ongoing re the offenders.

There are a number of actions that you can take to protect your horsebox or horse trailer detailed in our ‘Advice Sheet’, including having a tracker – see below.

In addition, keep photos of your vehicle with all markings and a record of all identity/security/chasis numbers. You could use our ‘Horse & Property Record Form’ on our website –, which you can either print off or download onto your computer.

If your force has a Trailer Sticker Initiative too get one for your vehicle. To see if your force does this contact them via their websites – details on our contact page –